"The road to enlightenment is long and difficult, and you should try not to forget snacks and magazines."
Anne Lamott, Traveling Mercies: Some Thoughts on Faith

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

A Prayer of Gratitude -- July 22, 2018

This was an original prayer of gratitude written for this past Sunday's worship service, 
and for a longtime church member who is leaving to move to another state.

O Glorious, Incarnate God,

Out of love, you became not just like us,
but one of us;
taking on the frailty of our flesh,
so that we would see, touch,
feel and know your love
in the living and dying and rising of
your Son.

We thank you, Lord,
that your love and grace is still ours
to know through the people 
you place in our paths.

Thank you for friends who ask hard
questions, making us reflect more
deeply on our faith.

Thank you for those people in our lives
who seek to serve you with energy,
intelligence, imagination and love,
for they inspire us to the do the same.

Thank you for the gift and the 
empowering of the Holy Spirit,
whose presence we feel
when we sing and pray and
worship with one another. 

Thank you, God of love and hope,
that we are not called to walk this
curved road of faith alone,
but that you surround us with
companions along the way.

Thank you for those who make
your love real to us in every 
thought, word and deed.

Thank you, O God, for friends.


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